If you follow Blooom’s news, then you know our involvement in zero waste and responsible travel kits. But we don’t stop there! Blooom wants to accompany you on a daily basis towards a more ethical way of life, that’s why we created this great blog to give you our great advice. During this period, it seems legitimate to us not to put in the closet the good zero waste habits accumulated during the year, on the contrary even. For that, we deliver you in this article, 10 advices to succeed in his zero waste vacations.
If you have not yet taken the step of solid cosmetics, then do not hesitate, it is essential to have. Traveling with solid cosmetics allows you to eliminate the plastic packaging inevitably present for liquid cosmetics. In the Less is More zero waste travel kit, you will find a concentrate of solid products in reusable or biodegradable packaging, a boon for our planet.
In the Less is More kit: Louise Emoi natural solid soap with honey, Pachamamaï natural solid shampoo with rice milk, Louise Emoi organic solid deodorant with lemon and patchouli, Pachamamaï natural solid toothpaste with charcoal, biodegradable bamboo toothbrush and a washable cotton pad.
As much as we like to slack off during the vacations, it’s important not to forget priorities. We talked about travel kits for your cosmetics, and why not for your household products? In the kit we want:
⇒A solid dishwashing product
⇒Powdered laundry detergent refills or gargoyles (reusable balls that contain bio-ceramic beads that create cleaning water for clothes)
⇒Towels and cloths. Gone are the paper towels and napkins
This one is starting to be followed more and more, so let’s not slacken our efforts! For your zero waste vacation, don’t forget your water bottle. Mostly made of glass or stainless steel, water bottles avoid the overconsumption of plastic. It keeps water cool and are also aesthetically pleasing. You can find them anywhere (supermarkets, stores, etc.) at reasonable prices and available in different sizes, very practical to slip into your travel kit. Did we convince you yet ?
The zero waste food is the most complex part in vacations and even in your everyday life. Indeed, for any food, from pasta to yoghurt, meat or sweets, products are always packed, even over-packed. For your vacations, try to anticipate everything you can. For example, take with you bulk products that are easy to store such as pasta, dried fruit or oilseeds so that you don’t have to buy the usual commercial packaging on site. Otherwise, simply take your glass jars and go to bulk stores. Also, when you travel, it’s time to discover the local culture, so don’t hesitate to go to farms or local producers with your tote bag for zero waste shopping.
Who said zero waste vacations were all about rest ? We’re just kidding… It will only take a few minutes. To avoid waste at mealtime, calculate the exact proportions per meal that you will need to feed the whole family. Indeed, on vacation we like to treat ourselves and we tend to plan last minute restaurants or big shopping trips for example and that’s a great thing! On the other hand, make sure before going out to a restaurant that you have finished the previous day’s meals so that they don’t rot, and make sure that the leftovers are finished before you start preparing a new meal, otherwise it’s a guaranteed mess. Or, as we said, to avoid these small problems of the daily life, try to measure out the best possible each meal so that there is nothing left for the next one, and to you freedom!
We have one last advice for you. As tempting as they are, fast food restaurants are the kings of plastic and overpackaging, and therefore totally to be avoided if you want a zero waste vacation. So take advantage of this opportunity to go to local restaurants and discover the specialties of your destination.
We know it’s a lot of things to take with you, but I promise it doesn’t take up much space, you can easily slip them into your travel kit! Always with the aim of avoiding waste, take along some fabric covers to put aside the film, aluminium foil and everything that follows for a guaranteed zero waste vacation.
We won’t let you down on the tissue, but it’s still a waste that can be replaced by zero waste so you might as well take advantage of it! Get rid of all your paper tissues and replace them with clothed ones. For your vacation, be prepared and take several, not that we want you to get sick, but you never know.
Gone in the mood for vacation and spending, we tend to bring back lots of useless souvenirs that end up in the trash quite quickly. To avoid this, bring back useful gifts that have real meaning, like regional specialties. Also, prefer reusable tissue gift paper or no gift paper at all, after all, it’s just a souvenir to please, not a mega surprise.
This advice should be taken as a bonus. Indeed, there is no such thing as “zero waste” accommodation, but you can decide to go to an eco-friendly accommodation for your stay. Platforms such as Vaovert or ethikhotels can help you find a green accommodation in France or in Europe that suits you. For more information on these platforms, don’t hesitate to read our article on ecotourism, it’s right here!
Now you know all about zero-waste vacations, so it’s up to you! Get your travel kit before you leave and hop on the next train. And if you have any other tips for a minimalist vacation, we’d love to hear them.
Tiphaine Creste
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