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Organic Repairing Lip Balm

ALGA CICOSA repairing lip balm relieves, protects and restores chapped, irritated and cracked lips for the whole family (children and adults). Thanks to its hypoallergenic formula made with Alga-Sendatu, a certified repairing active ingredient of natural origin, the balm promotes the healing of the lips.
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Green Tea Deodorant

Add — 4.5€5€
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Washable Cotton Pad

Add — 4.8€5€
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Refillable Perfume Bottle

Add — 6.9€15€
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Solid Moisturising Shampoo

Untangles & hydrates, with rice milk and ” Small Bitter Seed”
essential oil. For long, colored, curly, damaged and
dehydrated hair. Suitable for pregnant women.
Rub the pebble between your hands or put directly on your scalp
(helps with blood flow),let it foam and rince with clear water.
Lauréat Slow Cosmetic

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